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1/1/1993 Chestnut Mare 15 Hands

Owned by...
    Mark Me First    Goer   
     Im a Tuff Cheri   
   Intoxicating   Scotch Bar Time   
     Sheza Fancy Chick   

This mare won the MAHA Halter Futurity as a weanling. Half sister to 2001 National Champion Western Pleasure Horse. She is also a very pretty mover and passes it along. Bred to State Of The Art.

8 Produce by - Intimacy

Scotch and Jazz  -  Click On Image to enlarge
Owned by...

Scotch and Jazz


2000 Chestnut Leopard Gelding

      And All That Jazz     Dreamin In Style
     Spanish Acclaim
   Intimacy   Mark Me First

Red is a tall, well-balanced, cute-headed gelding with flat-kneed, slow-legged movement. He's ready for someone to start spending some time with him. If you like leopards you'll love this big guy...he's nice! Great for someone who just wants to walk down the trails and enjoy the scenery.

Sheza Jazzabelle  -  Click On Image to enlarge
Owned by...

Sheza Jazzabelle


2001 Chestnut/ Near Leopard Mare

      And All That Jazz     Dreamin In Style
     Spanish Acclaim
   Intimacy   Mark Me First

This colorful filly is already a winner in both Most Colorful and Weanling Round Pen Futurities and was nearly unbeatable in yearling longe-line. She is double-bred Goer plus Dreamfinder and out of a grandaughter of Scotch Bar Time (AQHA). Her movement is slow and sweepy...just what the judges look for. With her loud color you won't be missed! Bred to State Of The Art.

Intimate Dreams  -  Click On Image to enlarge
For Sale Owned by...
Marsh Creek Farm

Intimate Dreams


3-9-02 Chestnut Leopard Mare

      And All That Jazz     Dreamin In Style
     Spanish Acclaim
   Intimacy   Mark Me First

It would be hard to find a prettier filly than this one with loads of loud color, correct conformation, personality and pedigree. Stormy is a full sister to Sheza Jazzabelle, Mulitple Long-Line Futurity Winner...Stormy did the same in her longe-line classes. $5000

Intimate Art  -  Click On Image to enlarge
Owned by...
Cheri Hirt

Intimate Art


3/8/03 Bay with blanket Mare

      State Of The Art     Sonny's Andrew
     Honey Of A Rock
   Intimacy   Mark Me First

This was our last baby of the year and was well worth the wait. Just the right type of blanket over the hips with a big blaze on her dished head. She is the first one from this cross so don't know yet what she wants to be, but moves like she wants to be a pleasure horse. Update: Watch for this talented filly in the longe-line classes and futurities at the 2004 shows! -- SOLD --

Shez Artless  -  Click On Image to enlarge
Owned by...
Debbie Meredith

Shez Artless


3/11/04 Dark Bay or Brown Filly

      State Of The Art     Sonny's Andrew
     Honey Of A Rock
   Intimacy   Mark Me First

Very dark bay filly. Fanny is gorgeous to look at and built exactly the way she should be for pleasure. Shown last year in yearling longe-line futurities and nearly always placed in the money...even beating the 2005 World Champion under a few judges! She should be good enough to place at the World and National level if given the chance. $6000

StateOfIntoxication  -  Click On Image to enlarge
Owned by...
Andrea Musch



2005 Bay Colt

      State Of The Art     Sonny's Andrew
     Honey Of A Rock
   Intimacy   Mark Me First

This is only Mace's second colt so far for us and what he's lacking in appaloosa color he makes up for in quality, movement and personality. Just watching him jog and lope in the arena already has us thinking about those yearling longe-line futurities!

Nelson  -  Click On Image to enlarge
Owned by...


3/9/2006 Black Gelding

      State Of The Art     Sonny's Andrew
     Honey Of A Rock
   Intimacy   Mark Me First

HERE YA GO: Full brother to 2006 World Champion Non-Pro Longe Liner “State Of Intoxication”! And you can’t fault his color! This guy should win some money in the longe-line futurities and then take him to the World to follow in his brother’s hoofsteps. Super slow-legged, flat and sweepy. Will also be around 15.2 hands.

Humphrey  -  Click On Image to enlarge
Owned by...
Marsh CreekFarm


10/25/2007 Bay Leopard Colt

      State Of The Art     Sonny's Andrew
     Honey Of A Rock
   Intimacy   Mark Me First

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Sheree Koehler and Michael Peters
943 Hwy 12 Roberts, WI 54023
(phone) 715.749.4124

© 2002 - 2004 Marsh Creek Farm